Central Baptist Church Youth Group
Our Youth Group is made up of students, 6th – 12th grades, and our awesome adult volunteers. Our youth recognize that who you are is made up of more than what you look like, what you wear, and where you are from. We welcome all middle or high school students who are searching for the answers to life’s biggest questions. We don’t have all the answers yet, but we know who does. God. We seek to know about Him more by reading The Bible, praying, and worshiping Him. You are always welcome to join us on this journey of discovery. We will save a seat for you.
Stay Connected
You can keep in touch with all that is happening with the Central Baptist Church Youth Group:
We have a Facebook group where we post pictures, videos, announcements, and updates.
We use the Remind App to send out updates via text messages. You can join by clicking the link above. You can find out more at www.remind.com.
(Standard text messaging rates will apply)

Sunday Mornings
We meet as a Youth Group on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 am for Sunday School. Our youth Sunday School meets in the Youth Room and is a time when we can simply “get deep” into God’s Word. Our teachers prepare a thought-invoking lesson to challenge the way you think and understand. This is the time to get past the surface, dive in, and ask those questions your heart is bringing to light. We offer an open space where students are free to exchange ideas, knowing that we will always be anchored by what Scripture teaches us. After Sunday School we all attend the Morning Worship Service. Worshiping together with the whole church is an important part of living as a disciple of Christ.

Sunday Evenings
Sunday nights we meet as a youth group in the youth room. We start at 5:30 pm with some time to hang out, eat some snacks, and fellowship. We usually have a wacky game or two planned and then get into Bible Study as a group. Our youth leaders try to focus on how God’s Word can change us and prepare us for the week ahead. This is a great time to simply be yourself and grow as a follower of Christ. We end each Sunday Evening at 7:00 pm. We would love to see you be here and grow in the Lord together.

Wednesday Evenings
Wednesday nights we meet together with the whole church for our Church-wide Bible Study. Wednesday nights start with a free meal for the entire family in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00. Then, at 6:30, we move to the church sanctuary where we sit down as a congregation to learn together. These times are about connecting. We connect with our friends and other students in the Youth Group. We connect with our entire church to grow together. We connect with God’s Word as it is studied, spoken, and applied. There is also the opportunity to help with our children’s ministry and maybe even our puppet ministry! You do not want to miss a single moment.
DiscipleNow Weekend
DiscipleNow is a weekend retreat for Middle-school and High-school youth. Students are hosted by Central Baptist Church in host homes provided by church members for the weekend. It is a time of group sessions, worship, teaching, testimonies, and relationship building. It is a great weekend to break away from the norm and come together as the Christian body to develop a deeper understanding of The Lord with like-minded believers. It is also a perfect opportunity to invite people to experience Christ in a profound way, or even for the very first time. This year, we will have DNow weekend November 11-13. You can find more details HERE.
Youth Camp
We attend youth camp every summer. This is a time when students can get away from the normal obligations that can often weigh us down. We get away together for some awesome times of fellowship and faith. We find it during these days away at camp where we grow the most.
June 5-9, 2023, We will be attending Centrifuge Camp at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. Check out all the details HERE.